Accessible and beautiful steam sanitizing experience for your home.

STOOM creates a comfortably sterile re-usable experience for people who have OCD relating to contamination and cleanliness. STOOM shocks surfaces with a high level of heat, creating an equal level of sanitation in comparison to a chemical disinfectant.
STOOM is for the Concerned Carol. Carol experiences contamination OCD, and while they are able to live life to its fullest, they compulsively decontaminate their surfaces after they have been used, or touched by “outside” things. STOOM helps them quickly decontaminate surfaces to minimize the time compulsion takes away from them
STOOM is for the Concerned Carol. Carol experiences contamination OCD, and while they are able to live life to its fullest, they compulsively decontaminate their surfaces after they have been used, or touched by “outside” things. STOOM helps them quickly decontaminate surfaces to minimize the time compulsion takes away from them